Browns the Family Lawyers can offer you specialist expertise and personal service in dealing with the legal matters surrounding your divorce or separation from your spouse or partner. Michael Brown has been an accredited Family Law Specialist since 1996. This means that he is one of a small number of solicitors in New South Wales who have met the rigorous standards of the Law Society of NSW to attain this accreditation.
Our objective is to provide quality legal service. Quality is not just a buzzword to us-it is our reason for being. It requires knowledge, expertise and experience and, just as importantly, it means caring about what we are doing and taking care in doing it. Alacrity is a wonderful word. It means cheerful readiness.
Our objective is to provide quality legal service. Quality is not just a buzzword to us-it is our reason for being. It requires knowledge, expertise and experience and, just as importantly, it means caring about what we are doing and taking care in doing it. Alacrity is a wonderful word. It means cheerful readiness.
Browns the Family Lawyers is a small boutique family law firm, offering high-quality specialist family law legal services to our clients. In 1996 Michael Brown was one of the first specialist accredited in family law in New South Wales. Personal service is important in all legal matters, and all the more so in family law.