Having taught hundreds of adults and over 2,500 children to access their innate abilities, I'm confident that I can help you on your discovery journey too. So, I'm adding a satisfaction guarantee to all my services, including workshops and energy healing sessions. I'm learning that we can reconnect with the source of peace and freedom within and live a pain-free, balanced life - no matter what our circumstances.
Passing on this ongoing learning while also sharing the New Reconnective Healing frequencies is my privilege and pleasure. Biofield Therapies have been found to reduce pain and improve energy and recovery from surgery, illness or exercise. You can reduce or overcome depression, stress and anxiety with easy-to-learn, scientifically proven methods.
Passing on this ongoing learning while also sharing the New Reconnective Healing frequencies is my privilege and pleasure. Biofield Therapies have been found to reduce pain and improve energy and recovery from surgery, illness or exercise. You can reduce or overcome depression, stress and anxiety with easy-to-learn, scientifically proven methods.
I was born in New South Wales, Australia in 1954 and grew up on a farm near the town of Culcairn. I attended the University of Canberra, then known as the Canberra College of Advanced Education and later the University of Tasmania, ending up with a Bachelor of Education degree, majoring in Early Childhood Education, Drama, Media and Literary Studies.
Biofield Therapies - also known as Energy Healing, New Frequency Healing and Spiritual Healing - are fast gaining recognition as effective ways to help us evolve beyond pain, dis-ease and limitation. Attracting the attention of various research establishments in the past two decades, there is now plenty of evidence to support their integration into the health regime of anyone seeking to improve their overall wellness.
When I first checked out The Reconnection website and other practitioners' sites, the most enjoyable sections for me were always the testimonials and the research reviews. Here are a few comments submitted by my clients which give you some idea of the breadth of healing which you may experience, from pain relief, the disappearance of tumors and other medical conditions to feelings of balance and well-being.
This section includes reviews of books and articles related to Reconnective Healing and The Reconnection. Since my introduction to The Reconnection in 2009, I've experienced a kind of intellectual renaissance, studying and enjoying books that I had never considered before. So now it's time to share some of them with you!
Since the workshop my son (aged 6) uses Reconnective Healing when he cannot sleep which is often as not. He voluntarily practiced distance healing twice the other night for another child. Here's a video clip of a seven-year-old girl facilitating a healing after just a few minutes' being introduced to the 'frequencies' with an introduction by Dr. Eric Pearl.
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