Spanning over 40 years, Scientific Pest Management has delivered specialised pest management services to many industries across Australia. We are now part of Orkin Australia which gives us even more resources to our customers. As part of Orkin Australia, we have a national footprint to service our client's needs Australia-wide.
Scientific Pest Management operates a Quality system in accordance and compliance with AS/NZS ISO 9001 with formal accreditation programmed for the near future. Scientific Pest Management's standards comply with industry standards and guidelines which govern the pest industry ie.
AS 2507 The Storage and handling of Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals, AVPMA codes of Practice, Chemical MSDS and Chemical Label Instructions, AS 3660- Protection of Buildings from Subterranean Termites - Prevention Detection and Treatment of Infestation, AS 4349.3 - Inspections of Buildings.
AS 2507 The Storage and handling of Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals, AVPMA codes of Practice, Chemical MSDS and Chemical Label Instructions, AS 3660- Protection of Buildings from Subterranean Termites - Prevention Detection and Treatment of Infestation, AS 4349.3 - Inspections of Buildings.
Our Safety Management system complies with Federal, State and Territory regulatory and legislative requirements. Scientific Pest Management's documented Policies, Procedures and Instructions conform to the Health and Safety, Quality and Pest Industry Standards and encompasses a plethora of documentation, which may be attached or requested at any time.
Scientific Pest Management has provided responsive and programmed pest management services across Australia for over 40 years. Understand the factory/warehouse, including its design and identify areas of where pests hide or can enter from. Each review is specific to each location as environments, building designs and etc are all unique.
Scientific Pest Management has provided responsive and programmed pest management services across Australia for over 40 years. Understand the factory/warehouse, including its design and identify areas of where pests hide or can enter from.
We do not provide the same strategy for each client - we actually understand your business, its demands, the premises along with the environment that you are surrounded by i.e. water, surrounding industries and businesses, and etc as no premises is the same and tailor a pest management strategy around that.Again, your pest management strategy will evolve and change due to seasons along with different changes in the local environment.
We do not provide the same strategy for each client - we actually understand your business, its demands, the premises along with the environment that you are surrounded by i.e. water, surrounding industries and businesses, and etc as no premises is the same and tailor a pest management strategy around that.Again, your pest management strategy will evolve and change due to seasons along with different changes in the local environment.
Scientific Pest Management has provided responsive and programmed pest management services across Australia for over 40 years. Understanding the premises/storage facility design to identify entry/hiding areas of pests. We do not provide the same strategy for each client - we actually understand your business, its demands, the premises, the distribution plant along with the environment and its surrounds as no premise is the same.