Our practice is non-litigious, with a heavy focus on business, Wills/succession planning/Probate and property law and various branches of those. Our approach to the law and negotiations generally is to endeavour to be balanced and reasonable and seek to obtain the best position possible for our client, while working positively with the counterpart solicitor.
Rodney's professional qualifications include Bachelor of Laws and Master of Laws degrees from the University of Melbourne, and specialist qualifications from the Law Institute of Victoria in Commercial Law as well as Wills and Estates. Rodney is married to Pam, who is our receptionist. They have two children Linda and Mark and one grandson Sasha.
Rodney's professional qualifications include Bachelor of Laws and Master of Laws degrees from the University of Melbourne, and specialist qualifications from the Law Institute of Victoria in Commercial Law as well as Wills and Estates. Rodney is married to Pam, who is our receptionist. They have two children Linda and Mark and one grandson Sasha.
The firm of Rodney Jacobs Lawyer was established in Macarthur Street Ballarat in 2010, following Rodney's departure from a long established local legal firm, where he had been a principal for many years. The firm is now an intensely busy, modern, vibrant place of work for Rodney and his staff members.
Options include a sole trader, partnership, company and either unit trust or discretionary trust. Each will have different implications in terms of asset protection and taxation. In this regard we will normally discuss the possibilities with your accountant. The purchase of a business involves the application of many branches of the law and is full of traps for the unwary.
When a prospective tenant is about to enter into a lease, it is essential that they obtain legal advice as to the legal effect of the proposed lease. Issues and traps include rent reviews, options to renew, and repair obligations. Often our task involves negotiating the terms of the lease with the solicitor for the landlord to obtain the best position reasonably possible.
Like most legal firms, we prepare many simple Wills for individuals and couples. In many cases this process is straightforward. However we will chat to clients about their family and circumstances generally to ensure that there is no unusual feature which requires particular treatment. For example where a client has a family trust, we must check the document and ensure that control of it passes in the way a client intends.
Almost all Powers of Attorney nowadays prepared by solicitors are "enduring". This means that, if the person who has given the power (the 'principal') loses mental capacity, the Power of Attorney continues in effect. This is despite the fact that principal is no longer able to give instructions to the attorney, to check on what they do or cancel the power of attorney.
Reviews (1)
Annette Harvey
Oct 26, 2016