Our main phone line is still operational 08 8088 1122 however this may occasionally become congested or unattended. Please leave a message and someone will return your call as soon as we can. We ask that you please be patient with us as we adjust to these difficult times. We are doing the best that we can with diminished staff as well as juggling home schooling and unreliable internet.
Broken Hill Conveyancing Pty Ltd is a conveyancing business servicing Broken Hill and surrounding areas. Locally owned and operated by the only Licensed Conveyancer in Broken Hill, providing experience and expertise in the field. We offer professional service at competitive prices and we aim to make the process as simple and hassle-free as possible.
Broken Hill Conveyancing Pty Ltd is a conveyancing business servicing Broken Hill and surrounding areas. Locally owned and operated by the only Licensed Conveyancer in Broken Hill, providing experience and expertise in the field. We offer professional service at competitive prices and we aim to make the process as simple and hassle-free as possible.
A conveyance comes into being by a Contract for Sale of Land. This is normally prepared by a legally qualified person, such as a conveyancer acting for a vendor (seller) and is checked by the purchaser's (buyer's) conveyancer. Broken Hill Conveyancing understands that buying or selling a residential or commercial property is a big decision and a significant matter for most people.
The First Home Buyers Assistance scheme is a NSW Government initiative which provides exemptions or concessions on transfer duty for eligible NSW first home buyers. This includes vacant land on which you intend to build your first home. At least 1 eligible purchaser must occupy the home as their principal place of residence for a continuous period of 6 months, commencing within 12 months of completion of the agreement.
LawConnect is the secure cloud based document management system that our firm uses that enables you to access your legal documents. You will find that the documents we share with you are organised logically into each matter we are handling for you. LawConnect enables us to share documents with you without exposing them to the risks of email, keeping them safe at all times and making them really easy for you to find whenever you want to view them.