VALS has an "On-Call" after-hours service which is provided through the Preston office. All calls before 9.00am and after 5.00pm are diverted to the rostered On-call Client Service Officer (CSO). Our expertise covers Family law, Civil law and Criminal law. Our Specialist Legal and Litigation advocates for improved policing practices and corrections practices.
VALS, in conjuction with the Centre for Cultural Competence Australia have developed a cultural competency course titled 'Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Competence Course'. The course has been developed for Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians and for people living and working anywhere within Australia.
VALS, in conjuction with the Centre for Cultural Competence Australia have developed a cultural competency course titled 'Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Competence Course'. The course has been developed for Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians and for people living and working anywhere within Australia.
The Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service Co-operative Limited (VALS) was established as a community controlled Co-operative Society in 1973. VALS plays an important role in providing referrals, advice/information, duty work or case work assistance to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the State of Victoria.
Address both the causes and effects of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander disadvantage: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples experience far higher rates of adverse contact with the justice system than do other Australians, and are incarcerated at significantly higher rates than non-Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Nerita completed her Bachelor of Arts and Laws at Melbourne University in 2011 whilst undertaking a cadetship through the Australian Taxation Office. In 2012, Nerita commenced a traineeship with the Victorian Government Solicitors Officer where she was able to undertake her practical legal training whilst undertaking exciting work in various branches.
VALS Criminal team is led by an LIV Accredited Specialist. LIV Accredited Specialists must have a minimum of five years full time practice experience and a minimum of three years experience in their area of specialisation. LIV Accredited Specialists must maintain a high degree of professional development in their area of specialisation.
VALS offers support across a number of issues, with dedicated Family Law, Civil and Criminal practice areas Its best to contact our practice areas directly to determine whether they are able to assist. Great, we would love to connect with you and identify whether there are any viable opportunities for volunteerism.