The clinic is a home away from home.a quiet and safe space to facilitate your realignment with yourself. We give you the support you need to rest and relax and to create the necessary space for healing to happen. Today's world is full of electronic distractions often robbing you of important "me time". Self care starts with you doing more of what nourishes you rather than watching what nourishes others. Come and learn how.
Naturopathy is a distinct and complete medical system that is collectively a philosophy, science, art and series of techniques that together support the inherent power of the body to heal itself. The philosophical origins of naturopathy date back to approximately 400B.C., when Hippocrates became famous for his treatment of disease in accordance with what he perceived as natural laws.
The complex way food affects our everyday lives is an emerging area of study and interest, and diagnosing the cause of unexplained symptoms can be difficult. Although not life threatening, food intolerance should never be underestimated as its impact on suffered can be significant, sometimes affecting their ability to live normal healthy lives.
Reviews (1)
Christel Meaney
Feb 08, 2018