Sunshine Coast Dental Implants
At Sunshine Coast Dental Implants, our skills and expertise will give you the dental implants that are right for you. Until quite recently, the clinical options for replacing missing or failing teeth were limited to dentures or, where healthy teeth were available, bridges.

Even today, many people who have lost all or some of their teeth are still resigned to a life of removable dentures simply because they don't realise that a dental implant solution can be more comfortable, more attractive functionally superior - and permanent.Dental implants exploit the natural properties of bone, preserving it in a way that all-too-removable dentures simply cannot.
Your teeth are the result of a fascinating evolutionary process which has given you teeth that can bear the enormous loads of chewing your food, as well as keeping out infective organisms in an environment rich in nutrients.

The bad news - if you don't like dentures - is that once you have reached middle age your teeth have fulfilled their evolutionary purpose - they have not evolved to survive much beyond 50 years and of course we are living much longer these days.We can do much in the way of hygiene and care to extend the life of our teeth, but we cannot change nature!
Frequently Asked Questions, tooth replacement and dental implant information, Sandra's publications. A lot of the dental implant information out in the commnity is misleading or confusing. See what others are asking Sandra about implant-based tooth replacement, ask her your own questions, and download her books.
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