All Bases Covered Occupational Therapy is a boutique private practice offering mobile services to clients across the Wide Bay area. It has been operating in our local area since 2011. This small, exclusive business offers customised and personal service to every client. What sets us apart from other practices is attention to detail and making all interactions client focused and goal directed.
Furthermore, we focus on the whole person - their physical, emotional, spiritual and mental health and well-being to support every aspect of their occupations. Areas serviced include Agnes Waters, Bundaberg and surrounding beaches, Rockhampton, Gin Gin, Maryborough, Mt Perry, Biggenden, Childers and surrounding area, Buxton, Tiaro, Hervey Bay, and everywhere in between.
Furthermore, we focus on the whole person - their physical, emotional, spiritual and mental health and well-being to support every aspect of their occupations. Areas serviced include Agnes Waters, Bundaberg and surrounding beaches, Rockhampton, Gin Gin, Maryborough, Mt Perry, Biggenden, Childers and surrounding area, Buxton, Tiaro, Hervey Bay, and everywhere in between.
Michelle graduated from James Cook University with Honours in 2004. She has worked in a multitude of different practice areas including Department of Housing, community organisations including Blue Care and OzCare, Queensland Health, Workcover and private practice. Michelle has a love of rural health and is passionate about delivering services to clients in those areas that otherwise could not access OT.
Working as a contractor to DVA, ABCOT provides a fully mobile service of home visits to Veterans and War Widows of all ages. Both Gold and White Cards holders are eligible for the service. As part of the home assessment process, your OT will determine what assistive equipment or home modifications you may require.
Michelle is also available for private consultation for people looking at building or renovating their home and making it increasingly accessible. In a previous business life in 2015, Michelle designed and built a home to the Liveable Housing Australia Gold Level Guidelines. Michelle has her Accreditation for providing services to the NDIS for Major Home Modifications.