Elder Law Solicitor - Wills, Power of Attorney, Probate, Advanced Care Directives and Professional Advice. Joseph Trimarchi & Associates are pleased to offer advice and assistance with Estate Planning, preparation of Advanced Care Directives, Power of Attorney documents, Guardianship Appointments and Wills.
Joseph Trimarchi and Associates will guide you through the range of issues that need to be considered when deciding who will receive your assets upon the Execution of your Will. We will assist you in setting up executors and all matters regarding Will creation. If you lose your capacity to handle your own affairs, an Enduring Power of Attorney can really help your loved ones make decisions on your behalf.
Joseph Trimarchi and Associates will guide you through the range of issues that need to be considered when deciding who will receive your assets upon the Execution of your Will. We will assist you in setting up executors and all matters regarding Will creation. If you lose your capacity to handle your own affairs, an Enduring Power of Attorney can really help your loved ones make decisions on your behalf.
Will & Testament Documents Prepared, Probate Processed for NSW Residents by Experienced Solicitor. A properly prepared Will is one of the most important undertakings in your life, the implications of not having a properly drafted will are far reaching. Making a Will can be simple but for your Will to be valid, there are a number of stringent legal requirements that must be satisfied.
Retirement planning is complex and requires specialist legal knowledge and skill in order to implement proper advice. Our firm possesses such knowledge and this, coupled with our genuine desire to achieve the best outcome for our clients, makes us well placed to help you. You may need legal advice regarding Retirement Village or Aged Care Accommodation contracts or agreements.
An enduring power of attorney gives the appointed person control of your financial decisions from the designated commencement event or date, even if you were to lose mental capacity. This can offer peace of mind now, knowing that your financial affairs will be taken care of, when you are no longer in a position to manage them yourself.
An Enduring Guardianship appoints one or more persons of your choosing to make lifestyle or personal decisions on your behalf, in the event that you lose the capacity to make these types of decisions yourself. These can include decisions about where you live and the type of medical treatment you receive, for example.
An Advance Care Directive is a written statement regarding your wishes for your future health care. It is used when you have a serious illness or injury and are unable to make a decision about the medical treatment you are to receive. It has important legal consequences and should only be signed after consultation with your doctor, your family and after obtaining legal advice.
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Elgra Drivers
Jun 10, 2019