Find out more about our unique classes by joining us for a studio class at one of our Byron Shire studios in Bangalow and Suffolk Park. Signature Yogalates, Hatha Slow Flow and Yin Rejuve classes available. Learn more about this unique fusion of Yoga and Pilates, meet the founder Louise Solomon here.
Explore this practice on a deeper level for yourself, or take your learnings out into the world and inspire others with this unique combination of Yoga & Pilates fusion. Teacher trainings are a combination of online learning and face-to-face practicum. Held in Byron, Bali and Tuscany. Teacher updates also held yearly.
Explore this practice on a deeper level for yourself, or take your learnings out into the world and inspire others with this unique combination of Yoga & Pilates fusion. Teacher trainings are a combination of online learning and face-to-face practicum. Held in Byron, Bali and Tuscany. Teacher updates also held yearly.
In the current climate of fitness Yoga is at the forefront of popularity and discovery. Conversations are constantly heard "what type of Yoga do you practise" a smorgasbord is at our fingertips, lucky us! Yogalates is but one an awarded one with accolades such as the accredited teacher training being used as an example of best practise in the accreditation arena of VETAB.
Just because you're growing older doesn't mean that you have to give up the hobbies that you loved in your youth. More than 300,000 Australian adults and seniors participate in yoga classes each year in an effort to keep fit. Whether you start in your youth or don't develop a routine until your sixties, you can benefit from all that yoga has to offer at any stage of life.
Yogalates was originally created for the general public as a safe exercise alternative and has been gaining in popularity since it's inception in the early nineties. The classes suit all levels of ability and age, from the complete beginner who has never exercised through to those with years of Yoga and Pilates beneath their belts.
Once your booking has been completed you will recieve and email. Keep this email as it will provide a button to book further classes if you have chosen a class package. If you lose the email, you can follow the above steps to 5, then choose 'manage booking' instead of 'check availability'. You will need to enter either your booking number or email.
All the Yogalates Facilitators have studied and continue to study the ancient scripts: the vedas, the Gita and Sutras, thus embodying the depth, clarity and heart of Yoga in their teaching practises. Master Teacher & Teacher Trainer, Louise takes you on a journey in her popular masterclasses. She pioneered the exercise system Yogalates(TM) and has been teaching in Australia and worldwide for nearly 30 years.