Thank you to all who consulted with me in my role as a psychologist for your psychological and social concerns and coaching needs for the past 27 years. I wish you well in your life's tracks whatever form they take. For 31 years, since 1988, I've worked with people experiencing abuse, violence of all kinds, trauma, depression, anxiety, relationship breakdown, family dynamics issues.
I've worked with both the survivors of abuse and their families as well as perpetrators who included sex offenders, murderers, substance misusers, other violent offenders. I'm grateful for all the experiences I've gained from working with thousands of individuals who've exposed me to a side of life I would never have encountered or understood otherwise.
I've worked with both the survivors of abuse and their families as well as perpetrators who included sex offenders, murderers, substance misusers, other violent offenders. I'm grateful for all the experiences I've gained from working with thousands of individuals who've exposed me to a side of life I would never have encountered or understood otherwise.
All societies and groups from the earliest times to today have valued art. The earliest artefacts found thus far date to more than 100,000 years ago. These include beads, figurines and other objects. Humans and our hominid ancestors produced artefacts not just for basic survival purposes but for other purposes, mostly lost to us now.
Reviews (1)
Dani McCappin
Sep 15, 2017
Spent the day looking for a psychologist needed asap. Out of all the places I called she was by far the least professional. Cut me off mid sentence to tell me she's not taking any more clients in. Who even knows if she's good at her job, I doubt it. First impressions darling there is a right way to say everything.