Therapeutic Massage Visiting Service
What is Tantra Really. Tantra is the merging of physical with the spiritual. It is union of spirit/soul and body Tantra is about impeccable health of emotions, mind and body. Tantra is a system of uniting material life with spiritual life. It's about lining to the unknown. When people ask me "what is Tantra?"

My immediate answer would preferably be, "it's about brining Spirit energy from universal consciousness to the earth plane and merging with it". Because it's difficult concept to grasp at first we begin by understanding basic relatioship principals here on earth. In the video below is an example of sexual healing on all levels for a woman who sought help for her intimacy issues.
Foundation of every aspect of our service must begin with Emotional Wellness to Break Free From The Old Story. It is immensely critical that you feel at ease. Completely secure from the very first moment we speak. This first impression is of the highest importance. A total feeling that you are in the right place.
Allegiant Mastery Group dedicated for people wanting to live in solutions in alliance with likeminded people. Allegiant Mastery Group lives in divergent thinking which typically occurs in a spontaneous, free-flowing, 'non-linear' manner. Many ideas are generated in an emergent cognitive fashion. Many possible solutions are explored in a shortest amount of time.
I've prepared this short video to begin to introduce myself and why this tantra is unlike anything you have seen. You'll find the longer indepth version in my personal story page. This prepares you to hear and view my videos from an new perspective as my clients share their journey of reclaiming their life.
To appreciate the section about the Spirit we first you need to hear what he had experienced prior to the vision. Without the beginning of the session the love of his wife would not have been possible. James's wife passed on a few months earlier after a long battle with cancer and heart disease. He was seeking to connect with joy in his life, and that is precisely what we did.
Become a master of your mind become master of your life. And soul and spirit air with is and water. Everything has its own soul its own spirit and consciousness. Because we have been so disconnected we are unaware of ourselves even interacting with nature at all times. Nature is aware of us it responds to power every word and every breath every step and every sound we make.
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