Our team is committed to providing your child with a caring & educational environment that allows them to develop their individual capabilities. At BBPS we acknowledge that all children are unique induvial with their own needs, strengths and interests. We recognised the value of children's voices. At BBPS we plan a variety of events and offer opportunity for families and our local community to participate in.
BBPS is a family owned and operated pre-school and we pride ourselves as being the preschool of choice for many families of neighbouring suburbs. We have a friendly and professional team of experienced and qualified educators who are enthusiastic and committed to early childhood education. BBPS provides children with the opportunity to learn as they play, through discovery, creativity and imagination.
BBPS is a family owned and operated pre-school and we pride ourselves as being the preschool of choice for many families of neighbouring suburbs. We have a friendly and professional team of experienced and qualified educators who are enthusiastic and committed to early childhood education. BBPS provides children with the opportunity to learn as they play, through discovery, creativity and imagination.
We believe that children learn best through play. We provide children with the opportunity to learn as they play, through discover, creativity and imagination. Our aim is to provide a safe, caring and nurturing environment with child's interest growth, develop and learning is the foundation of the program.
Our team is committed to providing your child with a caring & educational environment that allows them to develop their individual capabilities by exploring a variety of play opportunities i.e. arts & crafts, puzzles, building, construction, dramatic & imaginative play, sandpit, playdough play, science & cooking.
At BBPS we acknowledge that all children are unique induvial with their own needs, strengths and interests. We recognised the value of children's voices, which are an important part of our early learning programs. Our programs are child focused, child initiated and inspired by children's curiosity and imagination, designed to nurture the developments and promote healthy growth of each child.