Our dream is to make your child's party one to remember. With a large collection of replica Mini Louis Ghost and Mini Panton chairs for hire, styling a party has never been easier. We also have a large selection of coloured mini trestle tables, cake stands and table clothes for hire. We deliver throughout the Melbourne area.
To make planning you party easier, we have co-ordinated a large collection of looks for your party. Our themes are a combination of hire furniture & store items, from pretty pink, to circus strips or racing cars. All our themes are made to make life easier for your party planning and an event that everyone will remember.
To make planning you party easier, we have co-ordinated a large collection of looks for your party. Our themes are a combination of hire furniture & store items, from pretty pink, to circus strips or racing cars. All our themes are made to make life easier for your party planning and an event that everyone will remember.
Sometimes in life, someone makes a comment, which can lead to a spark of an idea. This was how Mini Party People was born. My comment that Friday afternoon was, how hard could it be? Someone must be doing Mini Ghost chairs, and does she know how Google properly works? Her comment back was, she did know how too use Google, could I try and if I found them can I book the items for her party.
To book a party, simply use our website show the items that you want and we will organise a quote for you which will include delivery items. When booking a party, the more notice we have the better. But normally booking the hire 4-6 weeks in advance is enough time to insure that you will receive the items that you need.