Gum Nut Preschool & Childcare
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Gum Nut Preschool & Childcare
Our centre consists of 5 rooms, children range from 6 months to 5 years. Our qualified and experienced staff create a welcoming and friendly environment where children are encouraged to participate in programs tailored to their interests and development. The programs are rich with colour, creativity and opportunities for self expression for children to build and discover more about who they are and the world they live in.

Our service includes regular incursions and excursions as part of our learning program. Parent participation in centre life and programs is encouraged and warmly welcomed, it is important for our families to feel as much a part of the centre environment as the children and educators. Our large garden and natural surrounds create an air of adventure and exploration for all children.
At Gum Nut Preschool & Childcare, it is our belief the right start for children in their new environment is essential for ongoing success. It is for this reason we require all new families to complete orientation prior to their childs first day at the centre. As a guide, we recommend a minimum of 3 visits in the two weeks leading up to your childs first day.
Our Kindergarten is made up of a dynamic Early Childhood Team who collaborate to enrich the kinder experience for our children. Jacinta, Helen and Zachary (Bachelor of Early Childhood Education) are our 4 -5 years kindergarten teachers, they have passion for children to have fun and explore their natural surroundings.
Cooking is always popular share a cultural favourite, chat with your Room educator to organise a time to share your passion or skills with the children. We do fundraise, as an extension of children's learning, our children are immersed in an environment that teaches respect, this respect includes our natural environments, the childs immediate environment.
We are pleased to welcome you and your family to Gum Nut Preschool and Childcare. The centre is a great place for children, parents and staff to get to know each other, and develop friendly and supportive relationships as we work together to provide the best care and education possible for your child.
We believe a kinder program is reflective of the interests, challenges and ideas of the children it nurtures. It is a place where children and teachers co-construct learning, explore what intrigues them and build strong bonds that enhances our confidence as people. It is a program that encourages love for learning, acceptance of one another and respect for the great world we live in.
Reviews (1)
Kester Naismith
Kester Naismith
Jan 15, 2017
My daughter attended Gum Nut Preschool and Child Care for over 5 years, finishing in the kinder program last year. The entire time she was there I felt happy and comfortable with the care and attention she received. The staff are unbelievably welcoming and nurturing not just to me and my daughter, but my whole family. The centre has a strong focus on supporting environmental causes and raising awareness for issues in the local community and also overseas. The children felt a great deal of satisfaction supporting and learning about these causes, something I hope will stay with them all for a long