AMB's Licensed Surveyor, Scott has been surveying in the Adelaide Hills, Murraylands, Fleurieu Peninsula and country areas of South Australia for the past 13 years. Before this Scott was involved in the agriculture industry in the south east and has a strong affinity for the land and natural environment.
AMB Surveys has bases in Mount Barker and Murray Bridge and provides onsite project evaluation if required. Client relationship and management is a critical part of an efficient survey business. AMB Surveys has implemented quality assurance programs to ensure survey data is accurate and reliable and customer service is efficient, organised and tailored to specific needs.
AMB Surveys has bases in Mount Barker and Murray Bridge and provides onsite project evaluation if required. Client relationship and management is a critical part of an efficient survey business. AMB Surveys has implemented quality assurance programs to ensure survey data is accurate and reliable and customer service is efficient, organised and tailored to specific needs.
Do you need the location of your boundary marked and a plan certified by a licensed surveyor? AMB Surveys provides detail surveys for all projects from garden design to Local Government infrastructure design. AMB Surveys can provide the appropriate measurement techniques to efficiently locate your project.
Land Division/Boundary RealignmentsDo you have the potential to divide your property into 2 or more titles? Boundary Realignment: AMB Surveys can provide assistance right through the development process from site evaluation, applications for councils, coordination of conditions for approvals and final plan lodgement for new title issue.
Boundary Identification SurveysDo you need the location of your boundary marked and a plan certified by a licensed surveyor? A boundary identification survey provides good insurance your building project will be located within your boundaries. Do you need a reliable boundary surveyor? AMB Surveys licensed surveyor, can mark out and provide a clear certified plan as to where your boundaries are located.
Site/Contour SurveyAMB Surveys provides detail surveys for all projects from garden design to Local Government infrastructure design. We can provide a contour survey or site feature survey for design or approvals for your building or development project. A contour survey give a true representation of the shape, features and services of a site.
Rural SurveysWhen conducting a rural survey we implement RTK GPS to ensure effective and efficient surveys are produced. Rural divisions use the same process to create titles as urban divisions but a knowledge of how to conduct a rural survey is a distinct advantage. Scott Filmer is the licensed surveyor for AMB Surveys.
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