The Lake Munmorah Doctors' Surgery is a general practice that has been established for over 30 years. We provide a full and comprehensive service and endeavour to accommodate all your general practice needs. To be eligible for a Medicare rebate for telehealth appointments, you must have been seen on the premises in the last 12 months.
Every 6 months or so we have fully qualified doctors with us undergoing their basic, advanced or subsequent training in General Practice. We are a fully accredited Training Practice of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP). Our Registrars are under the supervision of Dr Grennall and Dr Hood.
For those of our patients who have Diabetes, we run regular clinics to assist you in the management of your condition. Bernie, our Registered Nurse, is now a Credentialed Diabetes Educator and together with you, will educate and help you better manage your diabetes. We can also create a GP Management Plan (care plan) and Team Care Arrangement (referral for allied health services) in regard to your diabetes.
Telephone calls interrupt consultations and inconvenience patients in the surgery, so please minimise calls. If your call comes at an inconvenient time please leave a message with the receptionist and she will forward it on to your doctor. Doctors will return calls or ask staff to forward a message when they have a break from consulting.
Most appointments take about 15 minutes. If you anticipate your consultation may be longer than this (for example: minor surgical procedures; insurance medicals; counselling, cervical screening, RMS forms) please inform the receptionist when you make an appointment. Longer Consultations are available upon request.
Studied medicine at Liverpool University in the United Kingdom (1971-76). He was appointed as a visiting physician at Wyong Hospital. His special interests are internal medicine, Liverpool Football Club, F1 racing, cricket and gardening. His special interests are in paediatrics and general family medicine.