Taraleigh Steiner Kindergarten is located in beautiful grounds on the edge of East Bentleigh Primary School (which runs a dual curriculum of Steiner and mainstream classes). The kindergarten runs a mixed age program. This comprises of 2 full days (9am-3pm on either a Monday and Wednesday or a Tuesday and Thursday) and one half day (9am-1pm Friday).
Our playgroup sessions operate out of Moorleigh Community Village (next door to the kinder) on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday mornings from 9:30am - 11:30am. The Steiner philosophy on kindergarten education aims to ensure each child is physically, emotionally, and spiritually nurtured. Our program is play based and therefore promote your child's natural development through play and exploration.
Our playgroup sessions operate out of Moorleigh Community Village (next door to the kinder) on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday mornings from 9:30am - 11:30am. The Steiner philosophy on kindergarten education aims to ensure each child is physically, emotionally, and spiritually nurtured. Our program is play based and therefore promote your child's natural development through play and exploration.
Our kindergarten and playgroup has been established since 1987. It was formerly the Carnegie Rudolf Steiner Pre-School, which operated in Carnegie. It has developed a strong reputation for being child centred, nurturing and encouraging parent participation. The program and the environment promote the child's natural development through play and exploration.
Playgroup is a wonderful opportunity for parents and the younger child to come together in the beauty of a kinder-like environment. It gives parents the time to meet and converse with other parents and children. Free, creative play - the very lifeblood of childhood - is considered the best preparation for self-realising adult life.
At Taraleigh Steiner Kindergarten and Playgroup parents have the opportunity to become involved in a number of events within the pre-school community. Some of these events are for fundraising, or to help keep the pre-school in good running order, and some are part of the Steiner philosophy. You will be invited to share in celebrating your child's birthday, where we hold a special birthday ritual.
We make a wide range of craft items ranging from felt animals, crowns and wands, birthday bags, winter woolies, small wooden items, nature scenes, and much more. Small felt animals start from $3 (for a baby rabbit) and range up to $25.00 (for a finished unicorn). Items for sale are subject to availability and are now available for purchase at HandcraftN.
Download Application for Enrolment form here and return to the kindergarten or submit online below. Does your child require any additional support due to a disability including intellectual, sensory or physical impairment? Are there any cultural, religious or dietary needs, medical conditions or allergies/sensitivities?