At Boutique Bubs our Nursery provides a nurturing and attentive environment ensuring we do our best to cater to various sleeping, eating and settling routines. This is a time full of exploration and discovery as the children gain an increasing sense of self. Along with a greater awareness of themselves and their.
Boutique Bubs is a fully approved provider of childcare, early learning and kindergarten services which is privately operated by highly experienced owners who are actively involved in the operation of the Centre. Being privately owned with many experienced, long serving and dedicated educators enables us to be highly flexible in meeting the individual needs of your child in a caring and professional environment.
Boutique Bubs is a fully approved provider of childcare, early learning and kindergarten services which is privately operated by highly experienced owners who are actively involved in the operation of the Centre. Being privately owned with many experienced, long serving and dedicated educators enables us to be highly flexible in meeting the individual needs of your child in a caring and professional environment.
Education and care services such as Boutique Bubs are covered by the National Quality Framework and must provide a program based on an approved learning framework. Approved learning frameworks are the frameworks named in the National Regulations. There are two national approved learning frameworks and four State or Territory specific approved learning frameworks.
At Boutique Bubs we believe it takes a unique set of skills, attributes and dedication to create a team of passionate and enthusiastic early childhood professionals that we call our Boutique Bubs family. Our screening and interview process ensures that the best possible educators are working at our Centre.
Boutique Bubs prides itself on providing a high quality program and educational curriculum. We are guided by the Education & Care Services National Regulations 2011 and Education & Services National Law Act 2010. Both the National and State frameworks fosters individualised learning and a broader perspective on children, ensuring they have a sense of belonging, being and becoming.
Storypark is a secure and private online program designed to help you stay connected with your child and their Educators. Storypark will record and share your child's milestones and activities and begin a record of your child's life you'll cherish forever. Our educators will use Storypark to communicate with families and share your individual child's learning and development in a secure environment.
At Boutique Bubs we strive to prepare all children for their journey into primary school. We work closely with the children throughout the year and make sure they are meeting and achieving each outcome under the Early Years Learning Framework. We understand each child is a unique individual and that children learn in their own way and time.